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Certification of reporters and transcribers will be offered for the following formats: digital, stenomask, stenotype, voice writer, CAT.


Certification examinations are conducted online in the English language. It is anticipated that online certification examinations in the French language will be available soon.


Testing Format

Certification examinations are broken down into two main parts.

Part A is entitled "General Knowledge"

Candidates answer 100 computer-generated multiple choice questions randomly selected from a larger pool of 300 questions.

This portion of the examination covers grammar, punctuation, spelling, and legal terminology.

The minimum passing grade on Part A shall be 95 percent accuracy.

Applicants may use a dictionary or other related online materials during Part A, being mindful of the 45-minute time constraint.



Part B is entitled "Audio Transcription"


It is broken down into three work-specific subcategories. Each candidate shall personally transcribe this portion of the examination and produce a transcript on the form supplied on the website.

Category One would be selected by a candidate anticipated to perform their duties inside a courtroom and will consist of three five-minute voice recordings, as follows: a two-voice examination of a witness, a jury charge, and legal colloquy between counsel and the court.

Category Two would be selected by a candidate anticipated to perform their duties in a non-courtroom setting and will consist of three five-minute voice recordings, as follows: a two-voice examination of a witness; a legal colloquy between counsel, and the judgment or decision made by an officiating judicial officer.

Category Three would be selected by a candidate anticipated to perform their duties in the role of a legal transcriptionist and will consist of three five-minute voice recordings, as follows: a two-voice examination of a witness, a legal colloquy between counsel, and a ruling made by an officiating judicial officer.

These categories will be timed, as follows:

  • The five-minute two-voice examination of a witness - 30 minutes

  • The five-minute jury charge and/or judgment or ruling - 20 minutes

  • The legal colloquy between counsel and the court - 30 minutes

The minimum passing grade on each section of Part B shall be 98 percent accuracy.




Examination results are given immediately for Part A.

Examination results are forwarded to our Certification Chair for marking and will be given within seven business days for Part B.

An error will be charged for each instance of

  • a wrong word

  • an omitted word

  • an added word not spoken

  • a contraction where spoken as two words

  • two words where spoken as a contraction

  • each misplaced word

  • each misplaced period that would materially alter the sense of a group of words or a sentence

  • each misspelled word, plural or singular where the opposite was spoken

  • each wrong number

Exam Procedures

Before the Exam:

  • Each exam candidate must be a member in good standing of the IAPRT and annual dues must be current.

  • Candidates may register for the examinations and pay examination fees online using any major credit card or with PayPal.

Certification by Other Agency

The Board allows individuals previously certified by other approved agencies to become certified by the IAPRT without the requirement of passing the certification examination.



Certification fee: $125 USD

IAPRT Yearly Membership fee: $63.75 USD


Possible Designations


  • ICDT Internationally Certified Digital Transcriptionist

  • ICDR Internationally Certified Digital Reporter

  • ICSR Internationally Certified Stenomask Reporter

  • ICMW Internationally Certified Machine Writer

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